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hi everyone jeff cote here with pacific yacht systems here we've got a question from brett brent asks i've recently been watching your youtubes thank you and i've got i've noticed that i've got some no-nos on my battery terminals is it acceptable to have more than one cable stacked on each other at the battery terminal for example a starter cable a bus cable and a battery charger cable if not what's the proper protocol and lastly how do you determine the size of a cable going from a terminal to a bus all right so brent good question um all too often unfortunately as boaters we're seeing a lot of too many connections going to a battery right it's the easiest thing to do you know why would you go to a panel why would you go to distribution when the battery's right there so over time what we see as voters is we see a lot of more and more battery connections or at the battery where they should be on positive distribution or at the distribution panel so the first step is you can according to ebyc have four connections on a battery terminal post up to four but no more and what's really important is when you stack those connections have the largest lug or connector be at the bottom and stack them from largest to smallest the good connection is at the bottom of the battery post so you want to make sure that you stack in order of size from largest to smallest i always think about a pyramid you know the smallest block was at the top the largest blocks were at the bottom so just think about it that way smallest at the top largest at the bottom the other thing too about amperage now amperage is a tough one right i mean it's an easy question but you always want to er on the side of caution when you're sizing a battery cable so you've got up all the different loads that you're going to have coming to a battery or to your power distribution and in effect a lot of times we end up choosing either a 2r 4 ought cable and i always oversize that cable because in effect what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to have my power distribution be as good a connection point as my battery and a way to do that is to have a very large amperage cable go from my battery to the positive distribution now this is the quick and easy way but the real way is you got to measure all your loads what is the maximum amount of amperage that's going to go through that cable and then using the charts or an app you end up choosing the right cable for those loads okay if anyone has more questions about batteries or power distribution you know where you can find us thank you everyone for watching and take care be safe