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hi youtubers jeff cote here so we've got
a question from a fellow boater
he's asking uh would you be able to show
me how to set up a battery monitor
especially in relation to the shunt
good question because um let's be honest
battery monitors are probably one of the
most commonly missed installed devices
on a boat
when we go aboard so many boats were
invited as electrical audits or doing
projects or scope outs or surveys
it's surprising to see how many times
the battery monitor shunt is actually
not properly installed
the shun is a device that actually
measures current um and it's a device
it's a chokepoint it's a single
connection in this electrical system
where it captures all the amps going in
and all the amps going up amps going out
are loads so that would be running a
water pump lights
uh your inverter and amps going into the
battery would be your charging amp so
that can come from your alternator it
could come in from
a battery charger it can also come in
and the shunt is one single device that
measures all of that all right so now
let's have a look at a diagram and see
how this all plays out so where's the
battery monitor on this page the battery
and specifically the item that we're
wiring is the shunt and it's right here
so the shunt is this device here notice
how the battery is at the bottom
and then at the top we've got a dc
negative distribution
so the shunt is basically a single
chokepoint that stops
counts all the current going in and out
of the battery okay so that's where that
all right so now that we know what a
battery monitor shunt is and by the way
a shunt is this little device right here
right it's a choke point so it counts
all the amps coming in and out so now
let's look at it on a diagram
all right so where is the shunt the
shunt is this device right here on the
diagram so i'm circling here with my
little laser pointer
and notice here the battery's right here
and that's the house battery but notice
how there's no negatives connected to
the house battery all that negatives are
actually connected right here they're
actually connected
under the dc negative distribution
so the trick is and the question is
where does my dc negative for my engine
battery connect right and you've got two
so should i for example bring back the
dc negative right here or instead of
go all the way and bring it back to the
what happens is a lot of boaters right
and it's not our faults because it's
confusing it's hard are simply joining
the negatives together and they're going
battery to battery to battery why are we
doing that we're doing that to have it
so here look at my little pointer so
this battery here the battery negative
is right here and you could actually
follow that and go right to the battery
negative of the house battery but by
doing that what are you doing you're
bypassing that chunk notice again i'm
highlighting the shunt right the shunts
right here
right that shunt
cannot be bypassed
you need to bring the negative again
from the engine battery and you have to
bring it back to the dc negative
distribution right here and by doing
you're making sure
that you're not actually going to have
engine battery negative be calculated as
part as your house dc negative
and that is how you wire a battery
monitor shunt also if you found this
video interesting please subscribe um it
honestly does it does help us to know
that all this time that we're investing
is actually we're reaching a lot of
voters and i want to thank all of you
for watching thanks for spending some
time with me