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hi youtubers jeff cote here with ask pys we've got a question from a fellow boater tim tim asks i have an older grand bank's 52 europa that has original lighting it throws off a yellow light and draws a fair amount of power i would like to upgrade but not where to start do i have to remove all the wiring do i need new fixtures or just bulbs tim that's a it's an excellent question because all of us as boaters especially if we have an older boat are going to have what are called either halogen light bulbs or incandescent light bulbs and those live bulbs if you bring your hand close to them is are generating a crazy amount of heat and that heat is a loss of power so as a boater one of the first things that i always encourage fellow motors to do especially when they're talking to me about having not enough power and doing solar or adding batteries or a wind turbine or a high output alternator and all these different ways of creating more power and storing it one of the easiest things that every one of us should be doing is at least replacing replacing the lights that are incandescent and or halogen on our boats especially the ones that we use all the time the one in the salon the one in the galley right start with those and replace those with led lights now the trick is a lot of times and there's so many different led uh bulbs or lights that are option are available what i recommend boaters to do is to buy a bunch from different manufacturers and to try them so buy five buy six buy a dozen buy three try them out in invite everyone that has a say on your boat that comes boating with you might be your partner might be your friends and ask their opinions hey do you like that light is that a yellow enough light is it too white too blue is it too cold and basically try it in the fixture and once you like a certain light some of us like yellow lights some are like us more white lights blue lights have a look try it and then once you're going yes i love it then pull the trigger and then replace them all so the trick when you're replacing uh these incandes incandescent or halogen bulbs is that most of the cases we don't have to replace the fixture and certainly not the wiring we just in in actually end up replacing the led itself so we'll actually take it's called a g4 halogen bulb we'll remove it and it's got two little prongs and we're going to replace it with a g4 led version so the the replacement it can be pretty straightforward the trick is to do your research find the light that you like and then pull the trigger and replace them all thank you for watching this video if you have any questions please ask it below or use our contact form on our website and don't forget to subscribe so that you can keep having these weekly and we're producing almost four videos a week now and thanks again for watching