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[Music] [Music] you okay we're gonna do a cPanel so here's what an a cpanel sort of installation looks like for reasons of conceptual diagram i've decided to break out the AC panel inverter loads or water call has passed through loads on a separate panel but a lot of us will have that be the same panel just the back is different like you'll separate the bus but ultimately conceptually there could be different panels okay on some big boats they'll actually even night make it nice they'll be top section is short power generator and they'll have a middle section that's inverter loads like on big 50 60 footers they'll start doing that they'll do that in factory because they know that not all loads are the same but ultimately it could be it's just one big panel and you just do the working behind but you'll have loads that you decide that you're going to be potentially running on the inverter or short power and some loads that can only ever be run offshore power loads that can only ever be run on short power should be your hot water tank or a battery charger you should never run your battery charger off your batteries through an inverter happens but that should never be okay so if you're buying an AC panel what are you looking for you want amps to know how much you draw because oddly enough a lot of us on AC are gonna draw a lot more than what's available common problem we have a lot of AC loads especially running heaters in the winter you might easily pop a 50 amp breaker no problem 30 have no problem so this tells you how much you're drawing and then you can start throttling back your loads you can't do everything you want no matter how big the boat is I don't care I'm working on a big 100 foot er right now I don't care how big it is it could be worked on 145 footers doesn't matter how big the boat is it doesn't matter how stupid the budget is there are always more AC loads than a generator or short power can give you you always have to manage loads on a boat always there's just more than there aren't capable of being done by shore or generator so you want to know what your amps are to decide oh I'm gonna run my hot water tank I'm gonna run my water maker I'm gonna walk run my carbon compactor I'm gonna run to my washer/dryer but I can do it all I'm gonna run a secondary charger I'm starting dive compressor you start pulling back depending on what happens you just have to and on a normal boat like I have I have to decide and I say you know what I'm not gonna run my hot water tank when I want my batteries to be both charging like I want all of my amps to go to battery charging right because I only have a 30 amp receptacle on my boat for sure you might have also a device that allows you to do source selecting between generator one generate to shore one short to write really big important device is this reverse polarity light that is incredible it's worthwhile that tells you that the hot and the neutral or reversed huge safety issue by the way huge safety issue that is one step away from nearly complete death so you only need another accident which on a by the way 5% of both half you have that and you have the other 5% it's basically when it's op is it a win in the lottery so you never want this is rare but if that happens and you have a boat that's miswired you literally and this is I met an instructor review I see that's how his son died swimming in Oregon on the Columbia okay so two things need to happen but those two things are there which are pretty rare but if you get that combination it's game on okay and then you want a protective AC back cover and then you're gonna have it's nice some of the new panels you'll be able to buy a neutral and a ground bus in the back which is great this is what a traditional metal panel looks like Lucy's makes them we use them all the time they're great if you're tackling an AC panel big fan we talked about this earlier what do we say about disconnecting you're working on AC on your boat right not just trusting to your AC breaker or you actually physically disconnect your short power cord Coral it up put it in the lazarette disconnect your inverter right so disconnect all AC sources your generator your you know some people have like rarely but some people do have auto Jen starts right disconnect the battery switch from your Jenn reader right it should have a switch make sure your generous start label all the cabling make sure you have the right size breaker and the right size cabling and please Oh God and I've seen it I know most of us do this but there is nothing more I think dangerous than someone to say either they're they're not colorblind clearly but they choose to be colorblind and a wire the whole panel on a arbitrary color designation that they've decided that they're gonna do that day and most of those people's decide the next day is gonna be a different day so I've come on both where we've almost lost one of our number one technician almost died literally came this close if it was me I would have died any other person would have died it's only because he's just like off the spectrum smart he kind of saw a few signs and he was able to figure out but they actually had wired the DC input and the AC input on a charger both with AC wiring and they had put the AC input to the DC output of the charger because they were both the same color they had blown three Chargers Western West Marine had called us on a service call they're like this is weird why are three Pro notic Chargers blowing up in a row this is gonna be the fourth one and we sent a technician down it was because they literally the operator had decided to save money to buy just simply triplets wire and run the AC in and the DC out from the same wire but when they took the charger off they inverted it and so when you disconnect DC lows on a charger you're thinking this is benign it's not a source of power it's just 12 volts but it was actually AC 120 coming into the boat I would have died if I went on that service call for sure there's to be done there's no way I would ever think that you'd have AC input going to a battery charger output never now I'm more cautious but this is why the code matters right the code is there so that things are predictable I tell people all the time people say well it doesn't matter it's just a color I'm like well so is driving on the right side of the street versus the left side of Street it just makes it easier going home when we all know where incoming traffic is right it's not that the road you can drive on both sides you could drive in Reverse on the wrong side it's gonna go home but it's a little bit unexpected and so this is a way for you to make it easy for anybody else who ever works on your boat to just go okay I got it everything's to code let's guessing right so any questions on a/c paneling or a/c systems on your boat okay all right