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hi jeff cote here with ask pys so we've got a question from another fellow voter named dan dan has a phenomenal question that as boarders we're gonna always or constantly face and he asks i'm wondering what's the best way to join two wires into one in a most safe and waterproof way something like where you have two knife nav lights in parallel or a single feed from the helm so when it comes to actually joining wires together the best way of doing it is actually the terminal strips so this is a device that basically has a connector on one side and another connector on the other and you can actually put in ring connectors and the reason why you want to be able to join these wires together the terminal strip is that using butt connectors where you crimp one connector on one wire and another the same connector on the other and you join two wires is fraught with problems because the joints of where wires connect together are generally the single point of failure that is very likely so by putting terminal strips and joining your wires with terminal strips it becomes a really easy way for us motors to inspect that connection point later down the road you can put a multimeter there and you can actually see if you have a good connection or not by crimping and using a butt connector you really have to be knowledgeable and make sure that you know and you won't be able to measure if you've got a good connection or not so on my own boat even though i think i'm pretty proficient at doing crimps i actually use terminal strips everywhere because it's a great way for me to later on go up i wonder where the voltage is and i can expect that voltage further and farther or closer and closer to the load so terminal strips is a really good way and the other thing if you need to make it waterproof then what you would end up doing is putting inside a junction box with these glands on either side and it's a way for you to make sure that your your connection between two wires is done in a basically sealed box and electricians use those boxes all the time you can buy those boxes at an electrical sort of contracting place and you'll have glands that allow to shrink down so that no moisture or humidity gets in and it's sort of waterproof so that's how i would join two wires on a boat without using butt connectors thank you for watching this video if you've got further questions and you're wondering about your own boat please ask questions below or send us an email with your questions and we'll get to them hopefully as soon as possible if you haven't done so please subscribe to our youtube and get our weekly updates we're posting about four videos a week right now and also thanks for watching you