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hi everyone jeff cote here
with boatingtechtalk.com so we've got a
question from a fellow boater
and this question is something that is
pertinent to all of us
especially if you have a second battery
on board so some of us have boats with
one engine battery and only one battery
that's different
um and the question is well what happens
when your existing battery is
maybe not sufficient or not the right
properly charged to start your engine
what do you do right
now in this specific instance robin says
oh you know i've got an engine battery
and what do you think about using those
sort of portable little batteries
emergency starter kits that
you know you see advertise for cars
should i have one well first of all if
you have two batteries on your boat
you should definitely have the ability
to either have your batteries go in
parallel and you would do that through a
source selector switch you know going
one both two off so
the words are going to be different on
different battery switches some of the
battery switches are going to call it
both some are going to call it
all so that you can combine your
batteries to have more batteries to
start the engine
so that's one thing the other thing too
is a source selector switch is even a
little bit better than paralleling
because you can say you know what
battery one isn't too good let me start
on battery two and once i've started on
battery two
i'm gonna go to all and then battery two
is also whatever is running the engine
once you go to all now your alternator
is outputting
and charging not just two but it's also
charging one so that's
something to consider right a source
selector switch is always better than
now failing that if you have a boat that
has only one
engine a battery and that's it there's
no other batteries on board
having a little portable battery pack
for boosting the battery whenever it's
weak now remember
i tell people this all the time if
you're worried about your battery not
your boat and sometimes it's sort of not
tell tale sign right away that you have
a problem you know the best place to
resolve a problem is at the dock
always once you leave the dock you might
stop running your engine
in the in the water somewhere either at
a destination on the water
at an anchorage and then when you go
start again you're going to have a
problem and resolving that problem at
the dock is way
easier than doing so in the middle of
nowhere so
if you're really really worried about
your whatever your starting circuit
either be the battery or the cabling
then address that at the dock first
but if it's everything's fine and you're
saying well i like
the added benefit of not having to worry
then yeah and i've
actually done that too um these little
portable packs are not that big you know
tiny little batteries and they're going
to give maybe a little bit more oomph to
help start the engine
the question was also a sub question to
the question was well would it hurt the
batteries and no
because you're just doing it for a
shorter period of time the voltage is
too low
actually what you're worried about is
actually damaging the starter
on your engine so no harm there
and i carry one and i just even it's
funny at easter actually just recently i
ended up actually recharging the battery
pack to have it fully charged
just in case something terrible happens
on the water so robin great question
but remember remember always ask
what happens if i can't start my engine
because i have a weak battery
do i have the ability on my boat to put
batteries in parallel
to use a source selector and if the
answer to both of those questions is no
then yeah i think it makes sense to have
a portable little battery pack
to help in the case that you do have a
problem on the water so great question
thanks for asking thank you for watching
pys video if you've got further
questions please ask it below or contact
us on our contact form on our website
and don't forget to subscribe thanks
again for watching