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foreign hi everyone Jeff Cote here with uh so now that maybe you've decided that you're wanting to go ahead and install a victron serbo uh black box or GX on your boat the question is you've thinking about getting the kit and now you want to know how do you go about putting it together well let's talk about first things first so generally this black box is going to be located near your batteries it doesn't have to be super close to your batteries but relatively close to your batteries because you're going to want to install a smart shunt definitely close to your batteries and this is your house batteries and remember a shot and we've got lots of videos on this ashant needs to capture all the current going in and out of your batteries for some of us that's easy to install because the boat's wired like that but from other ones it might be a challenge where you need to make sure that this choke point this one single device is smart shunt sees all the current going in and out the batteries so it's generally going to be installed between the battery negative terminal on the house and your negative distribution and that's a way to guarantee that all the current going in both charging and discharge is seen by that smart chunk the smart shot is going to connect back to the servo so it's going to be sharing that information that's what's going to allow you to be able to see um on Bluetooth what's happening on the smart shunt and also by the way if you connect a touch 50 or touch 70 screen you'll be able to see that as well so the touch 50 and touch 70 screen is where you might want to install that in a place that is easily accessible you don't want to hide it deep in the bowels of your boat where you're not seeing it's really almost sort of like a command control center for everything related potentially to your electrical system so have the touch 50 be in a place that obviously you can run a cable in between the touch 50 and 70 to the serbo but have it in a place that is going to be conveniently located so that you can have a look all the time at least once a day or more to see it's sort of like looking at your fuel gauge in your car while you're driving you should look at your fuel gauge relatively often so you're going to want to mount that touch 50 or 70 screen in a place that's convenient for you where it's not too much of a headache headache to go out and actually see whatever numbers are being presented on that and then the other thing too is you're going to be looking there's multiple things you can be connecting you might be connecting temp sensors tank sensors you might be connecting uh solar controllers to this you might be connecting for example on my boat um a USB GPS connected so you want to find a location where this serbo it's almost sort of like your brain now is going to be getting all these different inputs and you don't want to mount it too close to the batteries where everything else so maybe sometimes it's in between you know the batteries and the touch 50 right where all your inputs are going to come from so you got to think about how far are you going to dream and if you're going to keep it as simple as just a battery monitor or serbo and a touch well then it makes it a little easier like okay I'm not going to be adding a lot more features so the servo can be close relative close to where the inverter charger would be where my batteries are and then I'll run a longer cable between the touch and the circle so those are sort of the things that you've got to think about um it's not I think that do it yourself is a tricky thing it all depends right um but if one goes slowly and tries to answer their questions before starting right so as we all know with the do it yourself it's all about prep work and then the doing so if you're probably educating yourself here you're educating there's a lot more information out there it's definitely in the realm of doable uh the question is do you have the time to do it and are you patient enough to do it the right way because remember if you're monitoring wrong information the serbo is only going to be sharing wrong information so it's very important to make sure that your smart shunt is properly wired because that's where you're going to be getting a lot of your data again if any of you have tips to share or questions please post them down below and let us know how this serbo uh monitoring kit is working out for you thanks for watching so if you're curious again go on our website and find out more answers and solutions with this sort of setup and thanks for asking and thanks for all of you for listening and tuning in English (auto-generated)
Boating Tech Talk