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hi everyone
jeff cote here with
we are doing a product opening or
and today we are looking at the lawrence
hook reveal 7 hds live
fish finder so this is a product that
we're going to be deploying on a lot of
boats that are really
obviously into fishing lawrence i mean
that's their claim to fame
clearly they're huge player in this
space the good thing about this
box or the packaging is is actually
representative of all the different
features that you've actually thought
on on the product they even show you a
little bit in the back as well
so this has chirp which is great it has
downscan imaging which is another thing
it really shows you the bottom profile
now lorenz is not the only manufacturer
that does this but they do it very well
genesis live fish reveal and you even
side scan imaging so pretty powerful
okay and that is the other side as well
so it gives you a little bit of all the
different size
all right with that i'm going to turn
the product around and we're going to
see what's inside
by the way of course this comes with a
built-in gps
antenna which a lot of char plotters
again pretty convenient so you don't
have to actually worry about having an
external gps
first thing i'm noticing is this product
is very light
which is not a bad thing oh yeah this is
this is kind of sweet right here so
here's a shot from the top of what's
you have the control knobs all over here
which is great
again a lot of us not all but some of us
certainly like to be able
to interact with the display with side
buttons you know sometimes we're going
fast and it's hard
you know to interface a touch screen at
speeds so this
is a good way to solve this problem
notice i'm taking out a transducer it
even comes with a transducer which is
the transducer mounting bracket which
we're going to talk about
the little knobs that are basically
if we want to hold the display
in its place i'm gonna keep going here
i'm gonna take
everything in the box and then we're
gonna actually walk through
all of it together okay
as you can see me handling this this is
relatively light it's amazing
how much we can pack into these little
devices now
so again this has a built-in gps which
is great
let me show you the back the back is
going to have really two connection
right you're going to have a connection
point for this little power
adapter which goes in the little port
over here
and then the transducer actually goes in
the port above so this is not
you know a chart plot that is everything
right it's a chart plotter fish finder
and it's built for a purpose and again
it's important to not have
sometimes you know especially when we're
doing marine electronics it's not about
having a product that does
everything on your boat that you don't
need some of us only need a chart
plotter fish finder and this would be a
really good product to consider for your
all right i'm going to put the screen
over here a little bit to the side
and obviously
i want to talk about the trunnion
bracket so the trunnion bracket and
these are the screws that actually are
meant to mount this and you can actually
see the knobs
again so some of us are going to be
installing yes you could flush mount
but it's possible but most of us won't
right most of us are going to be
on a device like this maybe putting it
on a center console on top
it's certainly easier to mount something
on a trunnion bracket or a u-bracket
like this than it is to flush mount it
but again flush mounting is an option
and here's where the flush mounting
would happen notice these
i want to have a shot from the top you
actually have these little screws
holes here these little openings so if
you were to
actually do a cutout of this you could
fix this display right into the dash
right which is good which is really good
the other thing too
is this um transducer
gives you both side view uh basically
also side scan imaging right on either
side right
and then also chirp for down below
this is
the the little kit in a bag which is
nice that it's sealed
so you don't lose all the hardware but
this is actually how you would install
this transom mount transducer so this is
not going to be
for a 50 or 60 foot boat you know
transom mount transducers generally are
you know from maybe about to 30 feet 10
maybe you know 12 13 14 meters maybe
but it's going to be on those boats
where you've got a transom you might
have outboards or inboards and you're
going to be installing this
flush or parallel to the water line in a
place on the boat where you have really
laminar flow it's not good to have water
coming under the transducer and the
other thing too is you notice is that if
something does hit the front of it which
is barely noticeable it will just kick
up and then you end up pushing it back
down so it's meant to not stay in place
on impact it's meant to lift if it
needed to a little bit
and then you would push it back so i
recommend to boaters that have transom
mount transducer which is this
to regularly look at the transom to make
sure that they did not hit something in
water some sort of debris that made the
transducer go
up the other thing too is you'll notice
is in case you're wondering well
jeff how do i make sure that this you
know aesthetic display here
doesn't have these openings and i don't
want to see the fasteners well
this is this little bag what it allows
you to do is cover
these little openings and then that way
you can't see the fasteners so it looks
a nice flush finish
and they even give you again these would
fasteners again for mounting and they've
got a fuse
and a fuse of holder so it's essential
of course
that every power device on your boat has
a fuse
so in this case they're giving a fuse
for the appliance but also make sure
that the whole
circuit is energized and also has a fuse
at the beginning
so even though there's a fuse for this
device make sure that the whole wire
that is powering this device is fused at
the start
so this is basically the hook reveal
great for fish finding chart plotter all
right so it's both fish finding and
chart plotter
and if you've got further questions or
even if you have it on your boat
please share with other voters right
it's all about sharing
put it down below tell us what you like
about the product tell us about maybe
things that you'd want the product to be
again all this information helps us make
better so thanks for watching and be
safe on the water
Boating Tech Talk
UnBoxing & Product Reviews