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hi everyone
jeff cote here with
so thanks for joining us today we're
going to be talking about satellite
tv and specifically we're going to be
talking about the intelian
i3 india 3. so
a lot of us not all not everyone but
some of us want to have tv on our boats
and if you're one of those folks
and voters that are looking to have tv
on your boat
one of the options that you have there's
basically two main
providers there's more but there's kvh
and intellion and today we're going to
be talking about italian
this is the i3 they've got the i2 the i3
and the i4
the bigger the number the bigger the
dish size in this instance this is a 37
centimeter dish inside i know the box
looks massive
inside the dome is going to be about
this big but there's going to be a lot
of crunch zones right this is an
expensive piece of equipment
and what we'll be talking about in this
box this
you still need a satellite tv provider
like for example dish or directv in
north america or in canada bell express
view to actually
be the provider of content this device
allows you to have a boat underway
and still be able to as your boat is
turning at an anchorage or going to
going to a marina or going to a
destination what you can have with this
is this will actually
keep facing the satellite on the horizon
in a home or in a cottage it's pretty
you know the home is not moving the
satellites are where they are
but on a boat we don't know we're going
to be facing where's our boat heading
where are we anchored
doesn't matter we're swinging an anchor
well you need a device that is actually
keeping pointing at the satellites
generally here in canada where we are in
they're about 30 degrees over the
the elevated angle so it's not they're
not directly above us but of course as
we go more and more
south you know that angle of elevation
like this like this like this remember
the satellites are not directly overhead
they could be
of course you could be one of those
people that have a side directly
but in most cases we're actually on
especially where we are at 49 degrees
the angle is about this so about 30
and it's worth noting because here in
british columbia
washington state or even alaska
we have some pretty serious geography
the mountains and there are fjords there
are some pretty big mountains in around
where we're boating
it's not uncommon to have mountains that
are a thousand meters
even 2 000 meters in around anchorages
so there's certain places where you
cannot have satellite tv
it's just not possible your the mountain
is literally blocking the satellite
but whenever a satellite is available
and you have the ability of seeing it
over the horizon and again around where
we are about 30 degrees
this is a good solution the further
north you go
is probably going to be deciding which
antenna you're going to focus on
this antenna is good to about where we
are to the north end of vancouver island
if you're going to go
further than that you're again further
away from the satellite
and because of the angle of elevation
especially if there's a lot of
precipitation which there is a lot of
precipitation where we are in
british columbia alaska and even parts
of washington
then a bigger dish might make sense but
in this case an i3 is probably a really
popular choice
for boaters i would say anywhere from 10
to even 20 meters this is a choice
so 10 to 20 meters a lot of people are
going to be choosing so that's maybe
about 30 to 60 feet
now of course you could have a 45 foot
and have a bigger one i'm not saying
it's not
size of your boat that decides the dish
it's really more based on cruising
and can you accommodate a dish of this
also worth noting satellite tv is not
satellite communications
they're two separate things so that's
why you'll see a lot of boats sometimes
that actually have two dishes
one on port one on starboard and that's
actually one is satcom the other one is
sat tv
also worth noting it's possible to buy
these domes as
dummy domes and quite often for reasons
of symmetry to make sure the boat looks
symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing
we'll have maybe this
dish on one side of an arch and on the
other side we'll actually have a dummy
dome there's nothing inside
and what we put inside or maybe gps
antennas maybe even a cell booster
maybe a wi-fi antenna and we'll simply
use a dummy dome
for symmetry so that when you look at
the boat from the front or from the back
it looks perfectly symmetrical
which is good and we'll put other
antennas into that dome and it cleans
the arch
so it's possible to actually have both
satcom and satv
or just simply sat tv and a blank or
dish that you can put other antennas in
again i mentioned earlier this works
with directv
dish and bell what's really we'll talk
also about the minbox this device what's
interesting about it is it actually does
standard definition and high definitions
dish and for bell for direct tv
um it's only sd okay so
something to consider of course
intellion allows
hd coming from directv but you've got a
different dish for that so this dish
does only actually sd
or standard definition with directv okay
with that what we're going to do is
we're going to magically have this box
open it's just simply too big for us to
actually try to do it on camera
so i'm going to get started and we're
going to have this box just
open magically for all of us we're back
okay magic alright so
this is the italian i3 unboxed
by the way the crunch zone and the
amount of cardboard or not cardboard but
that was protecting this i mean you saw
it before this box is
you know huge this is the italian i3
so i'm going to move it a little bit off
to the side it's
not light by the way and also this is a
i'm not going to be opening it right now
because i'm scared of making this dome
scratching i don't have a
beautiful towel but inside of here when
you actually and this is
a big piece of information
there is actually styrofoam inside of
this so when they ship this box
there's actually you have to remove the
styrofoam inside
so to make sure that the antenna itself
remember this antenna inside that's
about 37 centimeters
in aperture or diameter that antenna
inside is actually protected with
styrofoam so you actually have to and
i'll just move it
you can you can see there's a little bit
fasteners everywhere that you have to
undo so you would do this over like what
we'll do is we'll put this on top of a
cushion uh we'll do this on top of a
towel cushions are great because
got a little bit of they give we'll turn
it around make sure we
we always want to keep this perfectly
clean and scratch free
and the reason for doing so is because
it's outside and
anything outside that is perfectly
smooth is going gonna more likely stay
anything that's got scratches is gonna
give a chance to dirt and bird poop
to kind of uh stick to it so you don't
want that so
make sure that dome is perfectly
smooth as it looks like probably shiny
on the video right now
so what i'm going to show you is when
you open that box you're actually
you're going to see your ex actually
comes with two cablings and the cablings
are right here
all of that and even a third one um
when you're actually connecting this
and you want to have both hd and
sd content you're going to actually need
another product that is sold separately
which is
i'm going to introduce and i'll have a
different video but i just wanted to
talk about it this is called the
membox from italian this box does not
come with this package it's a separate
product but i want to make sure that i
talk about it
in this video because it's essential if
you actually want the ability to
see both sd and hd content
so here's a little shot from directly
and you can see the different type of
connection points the rf
output the rf input the auxiliaries
the system selector and then you have
all these different so i'm going to give
you a little shot from the side
here power nmea rs-232 is right here
again rf inputs are over here
some indicator lights
and again some rf outputs over here
and then lastly this is again from the
other side so you can see
it's not too big and this is the italian
so this is something separate you can
buy it it's not included because not
wants sd or hd content so if you want to
actually be able to switch satellites
this is what allows you to switch
satellites effortlessly okay so this is
min box from intellium now when you're
buying the i3 you'll notice of course
we've got the manual
we've got the cabling but this is also
well protected and
this is what's called the antenna
control unit
acu and this is what you would see from
the front so
maybe up on top of the satellite
receiver that you would have on your
boat you would have this device
it's not too big right so a set-top box
is probably over double the size of that
so it'd be something
on top of the set-top box from one of
your providers
and you'll see the different connections
again power ethernet
nmea you've got a little fuse pc
and the receiver and the antenna right
here so
this is absolutely essential you need
this box and this box needs to be
powered and working to actually that's
what's the brain that's controlling this
dish right here
i have was talking to um
someone about this and they were
suggesting that sometimes when you're
buying in
a satellite tv like this you might want
to not have
everything visible right you want to
have a clean look on your boat so
remember what's really possible is to
actually have this dish
and get a set top box from your
satellite provider either dish directv
or bell and make sure it's rf so that
you can hide all this stuff and it's a
way so you can actually control your
and once everything is set up the only
thing you need to actually interface
your tv
is turn on your tv and also easily just
change channels and all of this is going
to happen in the background
okay some installation tips on this
system right here
you're going to want to make sure that
it's not in parallel
with a radar so you don't want to have a
radar be at the same
level of this so you want to have this
above or below ideally
above is better because remember the
satellites are not directly above us
they're actually depending on where you
are at latitude
they're actually maybe at this angle of
inclination right
so you don't want to have a radar that's
right here and then this is shooting
through and
coincidentally you're trying to shoot
and the satellite's over the horizon
and you're losing signal i've been
called to service calls i remember when
i was actually on the road
in my little truck at the beginning i
had boaters that
were depending on which orientation they
were docked at the dock because their
radar was slightly above it
they would actually get blockage and
they would actually have to turn about
180 around so that the
satellite dish what had an unobstructed
of the satellites the other thing too we
talked about earlier some people are
actually worried about you know okay i
have a radar in the center but i
want to have this to port or starboard
but it's going to look funny if i don't
have something else on the other side
you can buy this dome as a dummy dome
and you could literally
install mushrooms sort of gps antennas
in here we've done that we've
installed cell booster antennas in here
even wi-fi antennas in here
you could do whatever you want it's
basically a blank space and it's out of
the elements and it could make a radar
arch look a lot better
the other thing too is when you're ever
these cables throughout the boat and
this is the power cable
but when you're routing these coaxial
cable throughout the boat
especially from here to here you
definitely don't want to kink these
cables so
handle with care and under no
and it's possible especially as you
uncoil it you never want that loop
sometimes it can get a really tight loop
and if you get close you're going to
actually really damage the cable and
it's going to have to be rerun
even if you're also installing and only
care about
you know sd and you don't care about
actually having both sd and hd
one thing to think or remember is maybe
it's a good idea to run two cables even
if you're only planning to use one we do
the same thing for ip cameras
when we're doing runs on boats or and
i've seen cameras
everywhere i often will run two cables
not because i need
to but because if one ever goes bad the
other cable is just there as a spare
something that i commonly say is one of
the rarest thing that we have in life
besides money is time and
time is valuable so if you're going to
do something and it's gonna take you
maybe six hours eight hours
ten hours depending on the size of your
boat to run a cable from
somewhere to where your tv and where
your acu is
well might as well run two cables or run
a spare so even if you're gonna do two
maybe do three
so that's something to think about this
is also remember this is actually
not by 120 but by actually dc so you
don't need an inverter now your tv is
probably going to need
most of us have ac powered tvs and so
we're going to need an inverter to power
that but you don't need to the other
thing too that's interesting about this
is that also when you're an anchor and
you're steady you're not moving
intellion has this feature that allows
you to
actually not have the dish constantly
turning right you can hear it if you've
got good earring you can actually hear
that dish
constantly tracking and so they've got a
feature to limit tracking when you're in
a location where the dish doesn't have
to work so hard
and that's good because it means that
the boat is especially if you've got not
a huge boat
and you can hear the sound it makes the
dish quieter
which is good yeah so again this is only
for satellite television this is not for
the both dishes look the same but
they're different i'm going to check my
notes here i want to see
also yeah really good one too is that
there's wireless connectivity actually
it's got built-in wi-fi that enables
this acu
to be connected to pcs and laptops
actually do
certain things to it which is actually a
good feature in the past we'd have to
actually go on serial ports
and that made it a lot harder so that's
a good one the other thing too and i
mentioned this multiple times i've said
nmea and you're probably thinking nmea
isn't that like
navigation stuff nmea stands for
national marine
electronics association and there's a
protocol called 0183 and if you connect
a heading sensor to this box
they actually know where your boat is
pointing and if they know where your
boat is pointing
that's going to help the dish know make
sense of its orientation so it does
it can help to actually bringing heading
into this box the mobile app called
aptus aptus
by the way pronunciation for me is not
great so if you want to laugh feel free
mom dad brother do it all the time i'm
used to it
pronunciation is definitely not one of
my skills and like i said the other
thing too is that they have this
exclusive sort of wide range
search wrs whiskey romeo
sierra it's an algorithm that allows you
to find the satellites a lot quicker
which is good because when you start
your dish and maybe you haven't started
for a while you didn't have it
awoke the whole time on your trip and
you're now suddenly a new place it's got
to find itself where am i
where's the satellite so this is going
to allow you to do that the other thing
too is that
with this mim box which does not come
with this package disclaimer
you can actually have multiple tvs on
your boat
accessing the signal from this satellite
which makes
some boats actually have a tv in a salon
and maybe one
in a cabin or we have boats they've got
two a tv per cabin two cabins
and then or maybe even one on the fly
bridge right and they maybe have a
little salon there too
so again you can have multiple tvs that
can interface with this
mimbox that's about it i want to say
when you're going to be installing this
give yourself time
everyone says that everything is easy
and then we all feel dumb for not doing
it quickly
the reality is nothing's easy on a boat
it just isn't
give yourself the time you know
manufacturers are all going to say it's
simple they want it to be simple
don't be hard on yourself if it takes
you longer than you think it should have
it always does and make sure that when
you start this project
you give yourself ample time ample time
to do it properly because if you rush
through this to get it done
generally you might get really
frustrated the other thing too that i
want to talk about
these dishes can actually also be
mounted on mounts
there's different manufacturers
including sea view
that is out of washington state that
allow to sort of maybe
elevate this above a radar or below
so you have these sort of like little
pedestal columns or mounts
and the other thing too is you can again
see on sea view some of them will
actually have
this be above the radar the radar so
they're literally having everything in
with the boat and we do that commonly
and so you're going to have sat
tv radar and so we're making sure that
they're both not in line of one another
you don't want to have a radar shooting
its beam directly into this because it
could actually damage it
so if you've got further questions on
this italian i3
please feel free to reach out post your
comments down
on the youtube below further questions
or you're curious we also have
this product on our website and we have
a whole category just on
sat tv and i want to thank everyone for
spending some time with me and
discovering this intelligent i3 so
thanks for watching
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Boating Tech Talk
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Raymarine Axiom 9+RV Multifunction Display - UnBoxing and Product Review
UnBoxing & Product Reviews