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hi everyone jeff cote here with
uh we've got another product uh unboxing
uh you know how i don't know about you
but sometimes when i'm on the internet
it's hard for me to tell what size i'm
this is a huge box um
this is a simrad nss 12
evo 3s with a halo 20
plus radar bundle so you actually when
you buy this
box you're actually getting two things
you're getting the radar
and you're getting the display obviously
you're also getting the cable between
the radar
and the display so this is a bundle they
in really nine inch 12 inch 16 inch
which is really cool now the 16 inch
display does not come with a bundle so
you can only get the bundle
on the 9 and the 12. so it's worth
noting they do make a 16 version and you
have to buy the radar
and the display separately
the cool thing about this and we'll open
it up is that it also gives you the
ability of
actually interfacing with the unit both
via touch and buttons so that's worth
built-in gps into the display which is
going to be nice
it's obviously got sonar support and
wireless connectivity all right before
we get
too ahead of ourselves i want to make a
little bit of space because
i want to start talking about more of
the features when we actually have the
product in our hand
again this is the first time i opening
this radar
and display combo so we're going to be
doing this together
all right so i'm going to get out of the
shot and
we're going to be moving this box right
here this is big
so we're going to try to do this as best
as we can
okay all right
here we go what's inside
this box okay well good news is
lots of packaging so we're going to grab
some of the packaging you can see that
it makes sense
the screen is on top because the screen
is smaller than the radar so
when you're going to be opening this
bundle you're actually going to have the
screen on top
i'm going to move this off from the
table and i'm going to bring into the
just the screen itself
this is heavy by the way you're buying a
lot of stuff
all right okay
let's start with the screen
simrad is a company
that is owned by a bigger company called
navico and navico
does a bunch of great product lines
they've got simrad
b g and lawrence and so right now we're
looking at the simrad
ns s evo
3s display
so even before i open the box which is
kind of neat i do like it when they give
a little bit you can actually see
different sort of
information from the box right so if
you're at a store and you're not sure
what you're getting
they're actually making use of the
packaging uh
in a way for you to actually see a
little bit better understand what you're
which i kind of like it's got obviously
a one kilowatt
uh built-in channel chirp a wireless is
built in as well
they talk about that it's radar
compatible of course two-year warranty
12-inch display it's
pretty awesome and all right let's open
this up
by the way clothes are awesome
honestly there you go
all right so what we've got here
you can see right away it's
documentation which is not a bad idea
because if you're gonna
do anything on your boat educate first
so you've got all these different sort
of uh information and they're trying to
get your intention before you get too
caught away and start trying to install
it they even give you a little sticker
they're giving you a little addendum
this is neat
and worth remembering um
look at this a cut out template
so if you're going to actually try to
mount this on a dash
you're going to want to actually cut
this out
and print one-to-one meaning that this
is actually really
actually what they cut out so you can
actually start cutting that out with a
pair of scissors
mounting it drilling the holes and do
everything so that everything is gonna
just be perfect i remember i tell this
all the time to my texts
uh on a boat you measure i don't
countless times and then drill once
uh it's there's nothing more
heartbreaking than actually making a
hole that's too big
it's hard to fix i've been there done it
it's not good
so you want to do it as much as possible
get ahead of the curve
and have it go well all right next thing
what we're going to do is we're going to
look at this box
again you've got these little sort of
things that go at the top edge of the
screen it sort of makes it
look more polished these are going to
actually clip in okay
these are going to clip in
interestingly simrad chooses to actually
include their instructions some
manufacturers don't do that anymore like
garmin actually doesn't
it's on the display or you can download
from youtube
not youtube on their i mean on their
this is actually a full manual which is
handy because sometimes you don't have
internet when are we
on our boats right some places have no
internet so if you want to read the
this is a good way to do that the other
thing too
is again we have these gaskets i talk
about the importance of a gasket the
gasket goes in between the display
and when you're flush mounting that
display so that neither
dust nor water can actually you're
trying to prevent all those sort of
outside elements to go behind the screen
all right next we're going to do is
we're going to take off this tray and i
like documentation first it's pretty
it's a good way to remind us of what we
need to do so i'm going to take this off
and now what we're going to do is we're
going to have a look at
this screen right here so this is
actually the screen itself
and i'm going very gently but it is
heavy by the way because
it's a computer it's a computer it's not
just a screen it's not just a display
all right look at this looks good
looks really good looks really good and
then look at the back
oh my god
that doesn't scare you look at all those
ports that is called connectivity right
how many parts is that that's just crazy
unbelievable um so i'm gonna just
turn it like this so that you can see it
from above this way
so you can actually see all the
different ports
you can have a sauna part here another
sort of part
on this side power enemy a2000
video hdmi ethernet and ethernet
so this is for networking uh output to
also video enemy 2000 is pretty common
protocol now
powering the display and then two
transducer ports the other thing too
that's worth noting is
actually the gps they're putting the
label at the top
making it easy so if you're going to
actually be mounting that into a dash
you need to make sure it's not an
aluminum dash otherwise the gps signal
won't be able to go through that's
really important
and then i also like the fact that the
is installed really well
onto this display here i'm always
always nervous about taking these off
um i'm gonna do that slowly and i'm
gonna put it off to the side
and then we're gonna do that next and
you can see the tabs are pretty handy
i'm taking the tabs out
and what we're gonna find inside is
actually a trunnion bracket
our u-bracket take the box away slowly
and you can actually see that there's a
now this is more than just let's have a
look what's inside
here there you go
we'll do this it's like a puzzle you
know slowly but surely we're going to
get inside
there you go
look at that smart i like it
so what are all these gizmos
these are the uh the little bolts
that you actually the turning knobs that
you put on either side
of the display right that's that uh this
is the power adapter right here
that goes into one of their ports um
and you've got a fuse holder uh mounting
screws for the trunnion bracket
and of course as well i'm gonna try to
do this
as nicely as i can
you're even gonna have this pretty
heavy-duty trunnion bracket
remember this is a computer so you're
holding a computer in a marine
you know you're expecting sometimes to
be knocked around
you know the ocean and the seas are not
always calm so this is a pretty
beefy uh trending bracket i really like
all right and there's nothing else on
that box
okay so notice actually even this little
right for going in the back of this
screen that's also kind of neat as well
actually i really like that that's
another really good idea
okay good so we've got the display we've
talked about the ports
um now what i did say
at the beginning and i'm going to take
the radar out of the
box as well because i want to show you
the radar that comes
with this simrad
it's another big box that's normal
you know you're spending a lot of money
here we go
what is this this is the simrad halo
20 plus radar
this is what's called a ray dome means
the opener
the array that's within the radar is
and this is what you're gonna get inside
this is a pulse
compression radar uh navico
basically invented broadband radar
all the other players over time have
been adapting
and coming up with that here's the radar
cable that comes with it
right here you can see it's got a really
maronize plug you've got the manual
and even the warranty information is
here on the side so that's all good
all right let me take that other
cardboard box
again a really well packed radar you
know i have to say
you know we're spending a lot of money
all of us to actually be
buying this so
there you go
this is going to be the radar that's
going to be installed you know on some
of us it's going to be installed on the
mask for a sailboat
on the radar pole at the back for
another sailboat
or it might be installed on a radar arch
if you're a powerboat or right onto
your cabin top right there's different
places where these radars go
and this is again you can buy this radar
simrad and or as well
lawrence and as well through
b and g nice looking radar
very clean lines looks sort of well
polished i like the look of the
fiberglass and again notice
the lack of connections right just one
how nice is that you don't even have to
open the box it's underneath
so you should never have water
the radar which is kind of cool i think
that's really well done you got a nice
sort of
uh the mounting feet right here which is
cool and then notice that's the little
connection port i was talking about
that's how you would actually run the
so that's pretty neat it's actually not
heavy as the old ones they actually the
old ones used to be a lot harder i
going up the ladder or even up a boson's
chair up a mass
and it was a real challenge to actually
put those in they're actually getting
lighter which is good
and it actually means that especially if
you're having a sailboat the higher they
the lighter they are is better obviously
the motion of the boat right you don't
want to have this heavy weight
at the top of the mast or not saw but
halfway up the mast
making your boat go sideways so this
is the halo 20 plus
and the nss and we have here the 12
inch screen with the screen protector on
so pretty cool little bundle simran
makes great product line and again
this is hybrid right they allow you to
do both
um i want to show this so
what i like of what you can actually
interface the whole
device either through touch or actually
right here on the side
really smart some people don't want
touch some people don't want buttons
they want both
this simrad actually gives you both
anyways further questions put them down
below on youtube thanks for watching
please subscribe and enjoy the boating
take care
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Boating Tech Talk
Boating Tech Talk
UnBoxing & Product Reviews
Raymarine Axiom 9+RV Multifunction Display - UnBoxing and Product Review