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so we've got a fellow border
with the jeanneau 43ds ds stands for
in maryland and the boat's called the
office love it
smart uh and this boater mick asks the
following question
so he's got a um alternator
and when he starts his alternator the
battery bank is at around 70
and he knows this because he has a
battery monitor
right without a battery monitor he would
never know what the capacity of his
battery is
so his battery capacity is around 70
percent so he's using the blue c's m2
state of charge battery monitor that i
like it's on our website
highly recommended a little pricey but
it's definitely worth it
and he says when i start charging my
batteries um
are charging at about 60 amps and very
shortly thereafter
it drops off to 20 amps can you explain
so question let's try to rehash boater
has an 80 amp alternator
when the batteries are about 70 of
capacity he sees about 60 amps of
but very quickly it diminishes to 20
amps what's going on
well let's let's first talk about
alternators what you see and what you
get from an alternator are two different
it's sort of like your 401k or anything
that your financial advisor has promised
you in terms of returns there's a
difference between what was promised
and what actually happens and generally
those two are not
going in your favor so an alternator is
no different
uh most alternators and when i say mouse
i mean like 99.99 percent and keep going
like i mean it's probably for like
only very few of us will have an
external regulator on an alternator
so all of us are going to have an
internal regulator that's what our cars
have and so all the boats from the
factories come out with
maybe a north oven might have it or a
tierra might not have it
a celine might not have it but that's
pretty much it all other boats are going
to have an internal regulator
that internal regulator is overly
and what's going to happen is you're
going to see that your charger
your alternator output is going to
greatly diminish over time
because the alternator's regulator which
is what's deciding
what amperage is going through the
batteries is being
just so careful to not boil the battery
right over charge the battery so if a
boater is asking themselves and wants to
increase their charging capacity out of
a given alternator
we're doing that today literally today
i've got a boater that's got 120 amp
and the weight increase the output of
that alternator the first thing has not
changed the alternator but to add an
external regulator
like the balmar 614 or the wake speed
and add an external regulator to that
alternator that makes that alternator
not only a workhorse but also nimble and
perfect combination right so you want to
have something that can be a workhorse
but can also have the intelligence to
know when to
work hard and when to stop working hard
and you do that with an external
so this question um from mick
is relevant because he's got a janeau 43
it's 80 amp alternator and he wants to
recharge his batteries faster so the
first thing would be
actually putting an external regulator
but also know that as the batteries get
eighty percent eighty-five percent of
capacity for a lead acid battery
right be it flooded lead acid gel or agm
the battery is starting what becomes the
absorption absorption phase
and we know and we have other videos of
this three-phase charging profile
bulk means eat as much as you can
until you feel slightly full absorption
i feel slightly full but i'm gonna keep
float i'm so full
but i want to keep nimbling that's
basically bulk absorption float
and if you're around 80 85 percent
you're going to get yourself an
absorption and at that point the charger
or the alternator is going to start
reducing power output as the batteries
that absorption voltage or phase
happens earlier and earlier when my
batteries were getting old on my
lead acid battery my absorption wasn't
80 85 it was like around 70
so if you're bringing your batteries
down only to 70 you have
very short window of bulk charging with
an alternator
and that might also be another problem
nick is that you're not letting your
batteries drain low enough
and you're charging too much in
absorption it's okay to bring a flooded
lead acid battery down to 50
and if you do 50 you're going to have
between 50 and 80 30 percent of your
battery capacity
is going to be able to be recharged
under bulk once you reach 80 it's just
going to slow down
by the way there might be some of these
youtubers are going to post down i can
see them
jeff but lithium avoids that and you're
right that's the advantage of lithium
you can go from 20
of capacity all the way to 100 and your
first bite is like your last bite you're
starving the whole way through until you
say ah
i've had enough and that's the advantage
of lithium is that you can basically
throw anything at it and it will take it
but a lead acid battery will push back
as the battery gets into the absorption
and remember i mentioned this but just
briefly just in this video
as batteries age the absorption phase
at a lower point and that's where the
batteries you know they're like i can't
do it anymore and think about i always
give the analogy
between people and batteries as we grow
older our appetite diminishes
right it's normal and my appetite when i
was 20 and my appetite when i'm going to
be 70 is not going to be the same
the challenge is we still assume that
batteries with chargers are always
charged the same they're always perfect
but the chargers at one point the
batteries can't take it anymore they
can't recharge fast
so if your battery is you've changed the
external regulator you're
in the right stage and you're charging
between 50 and 70 75
if that doesn't work that's also a sign
that your batteries are aging
and it might be worth considering
bringing new batteries
that have an absorption voltage higher
that gives you a longer charging
under bulk charging so that was a really
good question mick
and good luck with your project
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