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hey everyone uh welcome to another
session of tech talk
uh you're here uh
thanks for joining us let's geek out uh
we're gonna be talking uh about
lars asks jeff i've seen some
manufacturers label their sounders as
forward scanning side view or down view
what do you recommend
thank you for uh bringing a question
that um many of us sort of pondered well
first of all the reality is that there
there are features and then there's
marketing words to describe those
features right so all the words that you
use like forward scanning side view down
some of those words are proprietary
right like side view down view is
i believe something that garmin talks
and different manufacturers have
different words to describe the same
thing as a way for them to differentiate
themselves from others it's you know it
happens in all industry including our
own the marine industry
so let's uh taking away the words and
let's give them a definition that we can
all agree on right
traditionally you have
dev sounders that just give you sort of
depth that's a number right
it's a transducer sends an echo
measures the time
between sending and receiving and gives
you calculates and gives you depth
pretty straightforward been around for a
next level up is sort of these
what would be called fish finders uh
sonar sounders
and these are devices that not only give
you depth but also give you a bottom
profile of the depth and also sort of an
indication of what sort of bottom is
directly underneath your boat
right like
is there a lot of algae grass is it hard
bottom soft bottom and so you can do
that through fish finders and sounders
right and so
obviously the fish find the guys and
gals are out there fishing they know all
about fish finders and that's sort of
you know the main purpose for those
towers that being said though the rest
of us who are cruisers might benefit
from having a
what is otherwise known as a fish finder
just to actually be able to see the
bottom profile over time right because
it's not important so much what the
depth is
that's one thing but it's really about
the trend right so if we're on our boats
and we're going slowly at one knot and
the depths 100 and then three seconds
later it's at 80
three seconds later it's at you know
again it's at 60
and three seconds later now it's at 40.
so nine seconds and you drop 60 feet
you know all of us should be panicking
right so it's all about the trends and
it's not to say of course you know i
realize that
bottoms are not always predictable we
have those rocks here called pinnacle
rocks that come out of the ocean out of
nowhere like literally like a pinnacle
out of nowhere and yes they do happen
but that being said there are patterns
right and it's better have something
than nothing
and so a fish finder is really useful uh
in the ability to actually follow the
bottom profile
and it's useful for anchoring uh and
it's useful to sort of
always know what sort of depth you were
have were behind you a few seconds or
maybe 10 20 seconds ago depending on the
speed of your vessel right because it
shows you a histogram right what the
depth was as you're moving forward so
that's useful
the next ones are two types of uh sonars
right you have what are called side view
and uh i believe hummingbird actually
came up with that technology years ago
and we had installed that on a lot of
police folks
and that's what you'd actually see on
either side of your vessel right
and uh so you're actually looking not so
much down right but actually and it's
hard for me to do this because my arms
are gonna be out of the camera but
you're actually looking on either side
of the vessel
now of course it doesn't work at high
speeds and there's a maximum death ratio
uh how wide you can go and there's all
these specs and again these are really
useful um a lot of boaters who are into
fishing will actually i use it to find
bait balls right or to see structure
underneath ledges or not also very
useful for anchoring
so definitely some boaters out there uh
that are going in anchorages that aren't
always sandy bottoms and have rocky
ledges and it's you know
you're curious because sometimes the
depth underneath our hall might be you
know 10 feet
maybe you know 5 meters 10 meters
but literally 20 feet to the right or 20
feet to the left partner starboard right
now there's a ledge right and
sometimes we don't always stay at where
we are the wind blows us over and so it
might be a good thing to consider having
a depth sounder that looks on either
side of your hall and i did that on my
boat by the way i have one of those def
sounders i always wanted one i didn't
get it right away uh but i installed
that on my sailboat last year and i'm
happy i did that
so not only do i have a down right so
like a fish finder i also have a
fish finder that looks on either side of
the home
and that's really useful for going in
like difficult bankruptcies where i'm a
little bit nervous and i'm pushing
myself but you know that's part of the
fun right
and then the last one was ford scan
ford scan is a product that's been
around for years um there's a company
that garmin bought i believe it's
interface which
gave them this forward scanning
capability and it's really what it is
it's sort of like radar but looking
forward i mean it's not for everyone
right depending some some voters are
concerned about hitting that transducer
that is actually exposed that's happened
to a few of our voters here in the
pacific northwest not that often but it
still hurts because when that happens
you've got to replace the transducer and
that's out of pocket it's going to fail
and not make a hole in your boat it's
meant to break easily but it still hurts
right some boaters that go
here in the pacific northwest that go in
places that are a little like literally
uncharted like uh the west side of idaho
or are going in the inside passage and
are going in legumes and stuff like that
and they're really pushing the
boundaries of their anchoring uh gun
calling will actually also use sports
probably not
what we all hope for but i think we
might have unrealistic expectations of
having a radar that looks forward and
sees logs uh just directly ahead of our
vessels so it's about more aligning your
expectations with what's possible as
opposed to being disappointed with the
product right it's really what are we
expecting and what's really realistic so
all different price points uh gets from
where i started the least expensive to
the most expensive right so
and then you got to decide what makes
sense for your boat what are you gonna
do for your boat because at the end of
the day remember with this there's no
such thing as you need all of this right
like all of us need a depth sounder that
i think we can pretty much agree with
pretty much universally beyond that it
depends on your budget what are you
doing and really about your level of
safety or your level of comfort right
how comfortable you would risk what are
you going to do to minimize it
some of us use gadgets some other ones
use a lot more common sense and better
preparation so it's really up to us
but a great question lars and thanks for
if you're curious we've written whole
articles about this go on our website
search it out
and we've got a lot of other uh tech
talks about this very topic if you
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please do
um it actually it really does make a
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really do care because the more of you
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Boating Tech Talk