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such an important point because you know
of course with our our youtube channel
we'll get lots of
input on things and one thing that we've
been seeing pop up a lot recently as we
decide on various components of the boat
there's a lot of people suggesting well
why don't you just use induction as your
primary cooking method and it's like
well okay if you're going to use
induction as your primary cooking method
you're actually using diesel as your
primary kicking method the way i see it
well yes and no power
or what are your thoughts well it's
pretty amazing um
i've done setups where and this is on
small power boats
you know that are feet feet
the owners want the benefit of an
induction stove top
and they simply don't have a place to
install a propane
oven or stovetop
and even on my own boat i'll give you an
example and i learned that by doing work
on other votes so i have to say thank
you to every single voter who's invited
me on board because that's how basically
i get you know the tips and tricks that
we all learn
from being asked questions or asked to
do something
are the things that i am able eventually
to share with myself and others and i'll
tell you
i've had my propane system on my boat
uh fail because of me uh fail because i
forgot to turn something off
you know
failed because i forgot to fill the tank
or soon i had enough and
you know was too lazy to check all the
and sometimes you're far away and
sometimes your backup tank is also empty
and running an induction stove top is
surprising um
you know you can warm up a meal like a
chili or
make eggs
in matter of minutes
a soup
in two three four minutes and that's
where on those boats maya really the
owner is recharging their batteries via
solar panels
so effectively they're using induction
stovetop because they run it for such a
short period of time now you can't make
a feast right like you're not going to
be cooking a turkey
you know or trust right like it's not
going to be the meal of your lifetime
right this is not a feast where you need
an oven multiple burners you're
simmering on slow this is not a three
hour but if you're warming up a meal or
making something relatively simple like
a stir fry
i've set up induction soap tops on a lot
of small power boats
and now i have one on my boat as a
so if i ever lose my propane system
i'm not and again maybe i'll let you
know that's going to resonate with you
i'm like well at least i have that and
then those situations at least it allows
me to warm up a meal because i don't
have a microwave on my boat yeah sounds
like you're not going to have one either
and then i'm like okay well if i lose if
something ever happens with my propane
system which could happen and one year
on my boat it was a solenoid right my
solenoid after a period of time failed
right and you know replacing a solenoid
now i have a spare but at that time i
never thought about having a spare
so you know when it went down
i lost my heating source right so now
that's pretty big now yes i have small
propane tanks for the barbecue outside
and i keep that separate on those little
small ones but still you can't cook
everything on the back of a barbecue
totally no
i love the idea of induction as a backup
we were considering it as the main
source if it could replace
propane or alcohol and there we found it
challenging because we are not simple
cookers um if you do simple meals today
right yes but exactly we cook three
times a day and dinner is uh there's
quite a bit of emphasis on that
we don't have a generator so we scrap
that idea but as a backup absolutely
when we do
power or if we need it then the engine
becomes a generator and i mean you do
have to cook
so my idea is totally valid
yeah and you know what i just did
recently i ended up buying um
uh you can do that now i end up
searching for pans that were both for
gas top and for induction and so all my
pots and pans on my boat are for both so
they're both for induction and for uh
gas so
no problem and now i don't because i
found that the hard way you need to have
an induction
pan or pot that's going to work so i end
up changing that so yeah it's actually
in the power draw is not that bad you
know like at
generally like for example they'll say
it's a watt or watt model
they'll have different powers and
they're going to say okay output from
zero to and you can go in half
increments it's almost like power
and you're generally able to cook at
five or six like is insane you know
like max power is crazy yeah and even at
five or six or three out of or three
out of in terms of power draw maybe
it's amps amps at volts
but it's the meal is done and or warmed
up in three minutes five minutes
to forget minutes minutes is max
so it's a good idea to have it as a
yeah that's what i ended up doing and i
learned that i actually was the same my
i thought it would be too much
but because i got
sort of pushed or encouraged to find a
solution for some voters i ended up
adopting it on my own boat
that's really interesting well because
i've never used induction so i was just
researching it and i saw like amps
or watts watts and i was like
oh that that's not going to work but no
that's a good point you're not using it
at that capacity mostly
i'm never even boiling water
cooking an egg
you know you're cooking an egg at five
or four
because you know it's a very low power
draw you know making toast in the
morning um i've had some owners they'll
they'll you know they'll milk a great
grilled cheese
you know that's a perfect example again
you know
three minutes
no problem battery bank can handle it
again if you're in a place where it's
relatively sunny you don't have that
many loads you're not running your
lights that long you're it's relatively
nice in the summer months not crazy that
you can actually save your propane
and run
your literally a small little induction
stove top
uh power through an ac outlet through an
inverter to your battery bank and
effectively your cooking from the sun
and not heat up the boat i love that
honestly it's i i i'm smiling and it's a
genuine real smile because i'm thinking
about my own boat
and it's
i think that's huge redundancy because
eating let's be important let's be
honest not all meals can be cold
certain meals can i got no problem with
certain meals can and i can even have
some chili cola then i can have cold
soup and i'm going to have a lot of
stuff but not all things are mentioned
no i actually i really like that idea
i've been thinking about that for a
while as a backup i i don't think it
will work as our primary cooking method
as a as a double with with propane i
really like that idea yeah no that's why
i like the idea of backup and i'm still
designing um the best possible propane
system at the moment for example um i'm
i'm trying not to have solenoids um of
course it is then added work and less
luxury of flicking a switch but i will
have to manually turn on and off
but i plan on putting the propane right
next to the bulkhead which accesses to
the galley so i can have uh okay what
are they called yeah you know what i
mean so i can on and off right from
there um without needing
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