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hi youtubers hi jeff cote here with pacific yacht systems we've got a question from damian damian's got a really good question about me2000 and what to do with spare ports so he asked i've got a four port enemy a2000 backbone only three ports are used and there's both a female and a male resistor at either end of the backbone will the system communicate with one open port absolutely yeah so you can actually have drops that are not connected and we do this all the time we're going to be running cables from the engine room up to maybe the lower helm up to the upper helm on a power boat throughout a sailboat and we're going to have potentially as we go from one end of the boat to the other in the boat we're actually going to be putting in uh drops for the eventuality of putting in maybe a sensor like a bilge detector or a smoke detector or it could be engine monitoring so you don't actually have to have a load or a drop cable on every single one of the potential termination points of your enemy 2000 backbone what you probably want to do is put an end cap and i've done that on my boat there's little end caps that you can put so the five wires that are exposed are not in the air and it just makes it clean and you know that you're not going to have you're limiting the chance of correction corrosion or accidental shortening of that but yeah there's actually no issues with having a spare port on an enemy 2000 backbone thanks for watching this video if you've got further questions that we didn't answer please ask them below or go on our website and fill up one of the forms and lastly if you haven't subscribed to our channel please do so that way you'll get the regular contents and in closing thanks for watching
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