I Am Installing a Balmar Dynamo and Regulator, Is There Anything That I Need to Consider for the Connection?


Hi Jeff, I saw the video with Aladino and Maya (Sailing Magic Carpet) and was blown away. Now I allow myself (as a Swiss sailor) a question.  I want to install the Balmar red 6 Series Dynamo with regulator. For the 3 battery banks, I have installed a Victron ArgoFET 3 200 Ah which charges the batteries. Are there any special problems with the Balmar dynamo and regulator that I need to consider for the connection? Thanks for your advice and best regards from the Netherlands. - Thomas


Thanks for reaching out to PYS, glad to hear you are enjoying the videos. As you are asking a lot of the alternator to recharge 3 battery banks, it would be highly recommended to ensure the temperature sensor is connected to the alternator to prevent over heating. Also important to remember to fuse the output from the alternator and to each connection point at the batteries, after the isolator.

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